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Author Archives: Rebecca Linsell

Q&A Session: Providing for Someone With a Disability in Your Will

Q&A Session: Providing for Someone With a Disability in Your Will

Ensuring that you have an up-to-date Will is particularly important where you are the primary care giver of someone with a severe disability. This Q&A session deals with some of the most common problems we see as solicitors where clients wish to provide for those with a disability within their Will. I would like toContinue Reading

Later-Life Planning: Make Sure You Have Everything in Hand

Later-Life Planning: Make Sure You Have Everything in Hand

Ella came to see me a few weeks ago to discuss her parent’s (Sarah & George) financial situation. George was a businessman who had recently retired. He was an independent and financially prudent man who took charge of his affairs and, as a result, Ella had assumed that he had everything in hand. Unfortunately GeorgeContinue Reading

Why You Should Make a New Will Today

Why You Should Make a New Will Today

5 Reasons Why People Put off Making Their Will Our clients understand that making a Will and keeping it up to date will bring them peace of mind – ensuring that those closest to them will be provided for. Yet still putting off making a will is an easy temptation. Many people decide it canContinue Reading

The Dementia Action Alliance

The Dementia Action Alliance

Working Towards a Dementia Friendly Sheffield. Due to the small and specialist areas of law we deal with we have a large elderly client base. As such we work with people affected dementia on a regular basis, and understand the difficulty it can cause individuals, their friends and families. We are delighted to have joinedContinue Reading

Buying or Selling Your Home and Breach of Contract

Buying or Selling Your Home and Breach of Contract

Conveyancing: Hooper v Oates When purchasing property, both buyer and seller can pull out of a purchase at any point up until they exchange contracts. Past this point however, pulling out would be in breach of contract, entitling the other party to damages. Where a buyer pulls out, the damages may be restricted to forfeitingContinue Reading

Conveyancing Q&As

Conveyancing Q&As

Your conveyancing questions answered by Rosalind Watchorn Solicitors – Specialist Conveyancers Sheffield. I have just made an offer on a house. I am told I need to instruct someone to deal with the conveyancing. What is this and how do I go about doing this? When moving house, conveyancing is the legal and administrative workContinue Reading

Choose Your Executors Wisely: The Tale of Boris Berezovsky

Choose Your Executors Wisely: The Tale of Boris Berezovsky

If you think your affairs are likely to be complicated – through complex family relations, a large number of varied assets or some other potential difficulty – think carefully about the Executors you appoint. Earlier this year Russian oligarch and former Forbes Rich-Lister Boris Berezovsky was found dead in his ex-wife’s bathroom. Berezovsky had lostContinue Reading

Property Law Q&As

Property Law Q&As

Property Law Question & Answer Session.   I want to make sure my second wife can live in our house but want to make sure my children inherit it when she dies.  How do I do this? A  Property Trust Will can be drawn up which would give your wife the right to live thereContinue Reading

Living Together & Owning Property

Living Together & Owning Property

Cohabitees Owning Property. These days it is common for unmarried couples to live-together (cohabit). Unfortunately, when a relationship breaks down, cohabitees are not afforded the same protection as married couples. Celia recently came to me for advice. She had moved in with her partner Richard 10 years ago and after a few months they purchasedContinue Reading

Wills: Providing For Your Pet

Wills: Providing For Your Pet

Rosalind Watchorn Solicitors Sheffield advise on how to look after your pet in your Will. You may have heard recently of pensioner Marlene Howes who was accused of fraudulently claiming pension tax credits and was alleged to have concealed a £50,000 legacy left to her by her mother. Mrs Howes contested that the money hadContinue Reading

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