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Category Archives: Blog

New Support Group for Carers

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Sheffield’s changing legal landscape

Sheffield’s changing legal landscape

You may have noticed that many law firms have undergone changes in the past few years – joining forces with rivals, or being absorbed by legal businesses that are regional or national concerns.   When this happens, the personal approach offered clients is sometimes diminished. Many law firms that had a presence in the suburbsContinue Reading

Season’s Greetings

Season’s Greetings

We would like to take the opportunity to wish all our clients, and friends of the firm a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We thank you for your business and support in 2015 and look forward to seeing you in 2016.   These offices will be closed for Christmas and New YearContinue Reading

50&Moor – UN International Day of Older Persons – 1st October 2015

50&Moor – UN International Day of Older Persons – 1st October 2015

Join us on Thursday 1st October 2015 as we celebrate the United Nations International Day of Older Persons in Sheffield with Sheffield 50+ which is an organisation devoted to helping older people. This is a free community event and we will be hosting a free legal surgery as part of the activities so come downContinue Reading

LPAs: Don’t Leave It Too Late

LPAs: Don’t Leave It Too Late

Martin was a patient in the Northern General Hospital, having suffered a stroke. His wife, Jenny, called me to ask if I could prepare a lasting power of attorney for him. They were retired and Jenny had just realised that she was – legally – not allowed to sort out his finances. There was veryContinue Reading

Season’s Greetings

Season’s Greetings

We would like to take the opportunity to wish all our clients, and friends of the firm a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We thank you for your business and support in 2013 and look forward to seeing you in 2014. Please note our offices will be closed from 1pm on 24thContinue Reading

Inheritance Tax: Making Sense of It All

Inheritance Tax: Making Sense of It All

With house prices rising, it’s not surprising that more and more families are being stung by inheritance tax (IHT). More than £3.1billion was levied from estates in IHT in the last year, a figure 8% higher than the year before. We have put together some tips to try and make sure you put in placeContinue Reading

When You Should Think About Amending Your Will

When You Should Think About Amending Your Will

In the UK only a third of the adult population have written a Will. Of those who have written a will 13% have not updated it in the past 10 years meaning that a large number of existing Wills could be overlooked on the death of the writer. There are certain key stages you willContinue Reading

Q&A On Using A Solicitor As You Get Older

Q&A On Using A Solicitor As You Get Older

As we get older we tend to use Solicitors more – to get married or divorced, to make a Will, buy or sell property or for later life planning for when we can no longer deal with our affairs ourselves. A good Solicitor will help with all of these issues but it is important thatContinue Reading

Getting Married?  What will change legally for you?

Getting Married? What will change legally for you?

When planning your wedding it’s easy to avoid discussing the less romantic side of things like the ‘small print’ of what is essentially a legally binding agreement between two people.  However there are plenty of important things to think about before tying the knot with your significant other. One thing you should consider when gettingContinue Reading

Law Society Accredited

Rosalind Watchorn Solicitors, 10 Kenwood Park Road, Sheffield, S7 1NF. Telephone 0114 229 0160 or email [email protected]

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